Our Mission


Pawsitive Outcomes Dog Rescue is an all volunteer run 501c3 nonprofit organization that believes educating the community coupled with giving dogs a good foundation of basic obedience will be the recipe for success in their furrever homes.

Pawsitive Rescue operates on 3 pillars: Patience, Consistency, and Love.

Patience: Like humans, every dog is its own unique being. The re-home adjustment period will vary from dog to dog. Additionally, every breed requires different types and amounts of exercise that address their natural performance abilities. New pet parents must be patient as they welcome their dog to their new homes and learn what they need.

Consistency: When working with their new dogs, new parents should be mindful of the age of their pet. Older animals may be less interested in learning new things, while puppies may be high energy and lack focus. No matter the age or personality, consistency is key and your dog can learn if you teach them.

Love: While most may assume that everyone knows what love looks like, we like to share with all pet parents that love for your dog should include: clear communication, healthy boundaries, and appropriate affection. Remember, If you allow your dog to be the leader, they will. We at Pawsitive Outcomes will love your dog until you adopt them, and then you can take over all the love from there!

Adoption Program

Pawsitive Outcomes Dog Rescue is a 501C3 nonprofit organization that believes in second chances for both dogs and people. We rescue dogs and provide services for low income pet owners in under served communities in Los Angeles county.

Meet our Dogs Adoption Application

Your Donation

Makes a Big Difference

The easiest way to help Pawsitive Outcomes Dog Rescue is to donate money to support one of our services. 100% of your donation is used towards caring for the animals in our care and providing community services for low income and homeless pet owners.

Basic Obedience Training     Rescuing Shelter Dogs Grooming Rescuing Street Dogs

  • $25 Pays for vaccinations for one dog in need
  • $50 Pays for vaccinations/microchip for one dog
  • $100 Pays for spay/neuter surgery
  • $175 Pays for medical services for a stray dog in need, preventing more dogs from going into a shelter
  • $250 Pays for training for a dog with behavioral issues that is shelter bound
  • $400 Enables us to rescue a shelter dog that is out of time
  • $500 Enables us to rescue a shelter dog with a mild existing medical condition that requires special care
  • $750+ Enables us to rescue a shelter dog who’s been hit by a car or in need of mild/major surgery